A regulatory wave

AI is speedily making headway in our societies. The recent generative AI wave made it clear that its pervasive force needs conscious and concerted rebalancing by all responsible actors, to maximize societal benefit and minimize risks and harms.  The incoming AI regulatory wave – pioneered by the upcoming launch of the EU AI Act – will erect guardrails and oversight requirements. Ultimately, we need leaders from all sectors to share a joint awareness, actionable insight, and a firm sense of responsibility to steer the AI Age and ensure a perpetually positive outcome: Augmented Intelligence for all humanity.

Responsible AI

To support an incoming cohort of AI Age leaders in this tremendous and timely challenge, we host an omni-stakeholder international AI Symposium on October 2, 2023, in Budapest, titled Humans in Charge: Steering the AI Age Responsibly. The aim is to convene international AI insiders of great renown and shared values to instigate the sharing of best practices, successes, and challenges in Responsible AI adoption & governance.


We are fortunate that some top leaders and AI experts, representing all sectors, have already signed up from both EU, the UK, and the US, coming together to launch a stellar Symposium series of global relevance. We congregate a balanced mix of both thinkers and doers: public sector representatives (EU, NATO, national governments), digital enterprise & AI platform senior executives, AI academics & researchers, and social impact leaders.

AI Governance

As per the host National Media and Telecommunications Authority (NMHH) core mandate, we will have an outsized focus on AI’s role in Platforms & Digital Services (also as the EU DSA National Authority), Telco & Media, and Digital Youth Protection.  Moreover, the Symposium dives deep into the upcoming EU AI Act, with an equal dose of tactical implementation advice post-launch.

Topics / Main Blocks

1st topic

Responsible AI in Digital Platforms, Telco & Media

Big Enterprise, esp. digital frontrunners like Tech platforms, Telcos and Media have an extensive history not just in developing and rolling out AI products, but manifesting and chiseling a wide range of methods and practices that ensure the de-risking of them and ensuring competitiveness rooted in AI consumer trust.

  • What do they use AI for, where are their AI strategy big bets, and what are their challenges and solutions for proving trustworthiness of AI technologies deployed?
  • Responsible AI is a set of practices and guardrails that soon will be mandated by law: how do they see their path forward when it comes to compliance preparation?
  • What is the right-sized role of big enterprise in the multi-stakeholder process of delivering beneficial AI for society?
  • At this rapidly acceleration AI age, how do executives define the right mixture of innovation and regulation for the task at hand?
2nd topic

AI, Safety and Security. AI for Good and Protecting the Next Generation

AI as a socio-technical construct lands in an age of big uncertainties, conflicts, and insecurities. AI can be a force for Good: its power should be tapped at a much bigger magnitude in helping solve big civilizational challenges and social development goals. Parallel to that, AI’s agency is active in everyday solutions that surround us and soon, they will power everything digital: its prowess and impact will be omnipresent, and so will be risks and harms that have to do with this line of technologies, that are here to stay.

  • There are risks and harms unique to AI - and there is also luggage, unsolved. How can we protect populations most vulnerable, especially youth, from the unintended harms and clashes of AI misuse?
  • How do institutions, both national and international, react to these challenges and what can be considered cutting edge initiatives that instill hope and a sense of safety?
  • When it goes wrong: how can we build awareness and understanding around AI safety and security for non-coders and what is the cutting edge in that?
  • AI transforms 21st century defense: how do we protect our societies from aggressors who increasingly develop robust AI capabilities?
3rd topic

AI Regulation, Ethics and Governance

The world seems to converge by and large on what is considered ethical AI – soon there will be a sweeping range of regulations worldwide that lay down the foundations for it to be enforced, starting with the EU AI Act.

  • AI Ethics principles may not be universally the same but increasingly overlapping. How do we establish the norms and then ensure reliable operationalizing?
  • The world of AI policy and standardization is booming. What are the major directions, cutting edge best practices, and the towering challenges in this regard that leaders should know about? How can we best communicate the ethical implications of AI to society, make it more graspable in the present tense?
  • How can we come up with the right AI governance structures in large organizations (sometimes with a lot of self-restraint practiced?)
  • In what senses do we consider the coming EU AI Act pioneering, what are your expectations in delivering “the Brussels effect” worldwide and where is room for improvement going forward?
4th topic

AI in Society & Public Services

AI-infused government services are one of the key areas where citizens may first encounter and internalize the boons of AI. How do governments of the world realize the potential of AI for their citizens, either via public-facing services or in the background, strategically?

  • How can current EU leadership and the incoming next generation of government leaders be ready for the challenges of steering governmental AI for public benefit?
  • How do Europeans governments contribute to a safer, more predictable and trustworthy digital environment in the AI Age for people and the economy?
  • What role can AI sandboxes play in operationalizing these objectives and where do we stand with them
  • Considering the close proximity of the DSA and the AI Act, what is the right balance of partnerships and oversight between public authorities and large platforms, the forerunners of AI?

Our speakers and participants